Addio al Flash Player con Jelly Bean

Addio al Flash Player con Jelly Bean ed il 15 Agosto Adobe lo eliminerà dal Play Store

L’avevano promesso e così è stato. Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich è stata l’ultima distribuzione Android ad avere il supporto di Adobe Flash Player. Adobe ha mantenuto le promesse dichiarando che Android 4.1 non riceverà, nè ora nè mai, il supporto al Player più discusso e criticato di tutti i tempi. Ciò non vorrà significare che non potrete installarlo sul vostro terminale con JB ma che in caso di malfunzionamenti o problemi il produttore non risponderà più, abbandonando il supporto.

Forse gli utenti di Android 4.1 Jelly Bean non ne sentiranno l’esigenza e sicuramente anche la mancanza poichè in concomitanza con l’uscita del nuovo OS il colosso di Mountain View ha rilasciato ufficialmente il proprio browser Chrome che ufficialmente non supporta il Flash.
Anche questo è un segnale che molto difficilmente ci fa immaginare un cambio di rotta di Adobe. La notizia non è solamente questa; infatti il produttore sul proprio blog ha comunicato che dal prossimo 15 Agosto il Flash Player verrà completamente oscurato dal Play Store non potendo perciò effettuare l’installazione.
Tutti coloro che dotati di un device Android 4.0 o precedenti volessero installare Adobe Flash Player dovranno reperirlo sul sito ufficiale del produttore. Ecco il comunicato ufficiale:
“We announced last November that we are focusing our work with Flash on PC browsing and mobile apps packaged with Adobe AIR, and will be discontinuing our development of the Flash Player for mobile browsers.  This post provides an update on what this means for ongoing access to the Flash Player browser plugin for Android in the Google Play Store.
The Flash Player browser plugin integrates tightly with a device’s browser and multimedia subsystems (in ways that typical apps do not), and this necessitates integration by our device ecosystem partners.  To ensure that  the Flash Player provides the best possible experience for users, our partner program requires certification of each Flash Player implementation.  Certification includes extensive testing to ensure web content works as expected, and that the Flash Player provides a good user experience. Certified devices typically include the Flash Player pre-loaded at the factory or as part of a system update.
Devices that don’t have the Flash Player provided by the manufacturer typically are uncertified, meaning the manufacturer has not completed the certification testing requirements. In many cases users of uncertified devices have been able to download the Flash Player from the Google Play Store, and in most cases it worked. However, with Android 4.1 this is no longer going to be the case, as we have not continued developing and testing Flash Player for this new version of Android and its available browser options.  There will be no certified implementations of Flash Player for Android 4.1.
Beginning August 15th we will use the configuration settings in the Google Play Store to limit continued access to Flash Player updates to only those devices that have Flash Player already installed. Devices that do not have Flash Player already installed are increasingly likely to be incompatible with Flash Player and will no longer be able to install it from the Google Play Store after August 15th.
The easiest way to ensure ongoing access to Flash Player on Android 4.0 or earlier devices is to use certified devices and ensure that the Flash Player is either pre-installed by the manufacturer or installed from Google Play Store before August 15th. If a device is upgraded from Android 4.0 to Android 4.1, the current version of Flash Player may exhibit unpredictable behavior, as it is not certified for use with Android 4.1.  Future updates to Flash Player will not work.  We recommend uninstalling Flash Player on devices which have been upgraded to Android 4.1.
For developers who need ongoing access to released versions of Flash Player for Android, those will remain available in the archive of released Flash Player versions.  Installations made from the archive will not receive updates through the Google Play Store.
As always this and other Flash runtime roadmap updates can be found in the Adobe roadmap for the Flash runtimes white paper.



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